Create personalized experiences for your apps, bots and websites with Azure Personalizer – Part 2
In today’s digital age, it is not easy for any business to work without personalization. [...]
Create personalized experiences for your apps, bots and websites with Azure Personalizer – Part 1
In the last couple of years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has shown tremendous growth opportunities. It [...]
Give your Power Virtual Agents a voice with Speech and Telephony
When Power Virtual Agents were released, it was ensured that people who are closer to [...]
Power Virtual Agents get the biggest update ever!
I love the idea of Power Virtual Agents and it’s enabling nature of creating the [...]
Computer Vision Simplified with AI Builder
Few months back, I posted a small video clip on my LinkedIn to show how [...]
Hacktoberfest for .NET Developers (C# Edition)
Hacktoberfest is celebrated during the month of October when open-source software enthusiasts, beginners, and the [...]
Introducing Bot Framework Component Model for better sharing and extensibility
Hey there! 👋 I am back with the bot post again. The Conversational AI has [...]
Boost your Customer Service with Opinion Mining
If you run (or a part of) a business then you must have customers and [...]
Generate dialogs automatically using Form Dialogs for Bot Framework Composer
Back in 2016, Bot Framework v3 SDK used to have a famous feature called FormFlow. [...]
Global AI – The Podcast
Few months ago, during a discussion with one of my colleagues, I learnt that there [...]
Integrate your No-Code Power Virtual Agents with Low-Code Bot Framework Composer
Microsoft Build 2020 has been quite interesting; not because it was virtual but because I [...]